KreativePro Masterclass

Aerial Video Awards



  • UI Design
  • development

Fighting deforestation one submission at a time.

Aerial Video Awards came from our passion in video & photography. We wanted to create a community around drones which was growing rapidly at the time. A simple  API hook allowed us to pull their submission and integrate it into our pending queue. Members who did not want to wait could pay a small contribution to jump the queue and get reviewed faster by a panel of judges. Contributions go into planting trees through Trees for the Future.

The entire platform was built using Craft CMS. Videos submitted harnessed the power of external services such as Youtube or Vimeo.

The booming era of flight.


We made a lot of noise and others took notice.

We designed the app around the rapidly growing drone community, we even made some noise after newspapers feature our app. Quickly after that our competition felt challenged, so they boosted their audience by giving away cash to winning submissions. Unfortunately, we did not stand a chance to keep up.